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night eating syndrome造句

"night eating syndrome"是什么意思  
  • Night eating syndrome was first identified in 1955, but now it is being studied in greater depth.
  • STEALTHY SNACKS : For people suffering from night eating syndrome, those trips to the refrigerator can raise feelings of guilt and anxiety.
  • It said this was a separate syndrome, identifyied by the inability to eat before dinner, and it turns out we have an article on it, night eating syndrome.
  • In " Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome " ( New Harbinger; $ 14.95 ), sufferers will learn that the disorder is not due to a lack of self-control.
  • Night eating syndrome represents a complex interplay of disordered eating, sleeping and moods, according to Kelly C . Allison and Dr . Albert Stunkard, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
  • OSFED includes five examples : atypical AN, BN ( of low frequency and / or limited duration ), BED ( of low frequency and / or limited duration ), purging disorder, and night eating syndrome ( NES ).
  • In an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association last month, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania reported on the results of a study of 10 obese people who exhibited typical signs of night eating syndrome : lack of morning appetite, evening overeating and insomnia.
  • Or perhaps they suffer from " night eating syndrome, " a disorder described by Dr . Albert Stunkard, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, and other researchers, which involves nearly constant nibbling, beginning in the late afternoon, coupled with depression and insomnia.
  • It's difficult to see night eating syndrome in a sentence. 用night eating syndrome造句挺难的
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